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INSIDE you'll have the chance to witness and experience a different approach to defeating and avoiding low back pain.
We want to give you the power. Take back control of your body and how it affects your life.
What people like you are saying about The Low Back Fix...
"Week 8 is in the books, and I'm so excited...Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel like everyone should experience this. Seriously, I cannot thank you enough for the things you guys have me do...I appreciate it."
- Juliana S.
"My baseline pain has really decreased by week 6. Oh my God, this is what it's like not to have to be so constantly and intensely nagged by pain!"
- Steve R.
"I’ve been following the program for 7 months and I can't remember the last time I thought about back pain. I've forgotten what back pain feels like."
- Phil W.
"4 weeks into it, and my back is feeling much better. My pain was chronic in nature...no acute event that caused it. I learned a lot from the program and plan on continuing to apply the concepts."
- J.P.
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